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About the author


Inside the SAAT Success: A Q&A on Transforming Summer Associate Evaluations

At AltaClaro, we’re always looking for ways to innovate and improve how law firms evaluate and...

Level Up Your Summer Associate Program: The Power of Simulation-Based Training

In the high-stakes world of Big Law, the summer associate program is more than just a seasonal...

AltaClaro's Journey into Data-Driven, Personalized Training for Law Firm Associates

In the legal profession, consistent and timely feedback is crucial for the growth of young...

Six Tips for Implementing Generative AI Training in Law Firms

Generative AI initiatives are gaining momentum across the AmLaw 200, with more law firms exploring...

The Impact of Undertrained Associates on Productivity, Profitability, and Retention

The industry challenge of undertrained associates is becoming a triple threat to law firm...